Dr Paul Berlund at Elgin House

Dr Paul Berlund

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


Paul’s is also a consultant gynaecologist and can provide care in the following areas:

  • Heavy, Painful or Irregular periods

  • PCOS

  • Pelvic pain

  • Endometriosis

  • Adenomyosis

  • Uterine Polyps or fibroids

When you have an appointment with Dr Paul Berlund, you’ll feel you’ve found someone to join your healthcare team who will alleviate your fears and concerns about your health journey.

Dr Paul is a fully qualified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and can assist to manage your pregnancy and Gynaecological conditions.

To organise an appointment with Dr Berlund or if you have any questions please contact Elgin House.

After many years caring for patients at The Royal Women’s and Joan Kirner Hospital, Dr Paul Berlund is available to see you at Elgin House.

Paul is a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. His obstetric expertise includes:

  • pregnancy preparation

  • pre-pregnancy counselling

  • early pregnancy problems including nausea, vomiting and hyperemesis

  • bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Paul offers compassionate care and support with miscarriage, multiple miscarriages and the management of ectopic pregnancy.

Ready to make an appointment?